More than half of all pregnancies in the country are unintended. This creates and compounds a glut of devastating issues for women, families and our communities. It’s an old problem that demands new solutions. So, united by a collective impact philosophy, we partnered with Choose Well to generate consumer demand for the largest state-based contraceptive access initiative ever.
Early in the diagnostic and strategy phases, our methodology uncovered a far more immediate way to make birth control relevant and remove barriers for our audience.
2 million+
website visits
average monthly
appointment requests
1 in 3
women of reproductive age have accessed No Drama services
This has opened the door to behavioral change on a broader, cultural scale. To date, one in three women in the state have accessed No Drama services.
“I’m truly humbled by what has been achieved. We started out with some pretty audacious impact goals. And quite frankly, I wondered if they were unrealistic. To have surpassed them, is a testament to the power of cooperation and genuine collaboration. We’ve led stakeholders from every side of this issue to come together, buy in and work for what’s best for women and families — what’s best for society. For Goodness Sakes positioned us to be the inspiration and the rudder for all that change. I just can’t overstate what a powerful experience it’s been.”
Bonnie Kapp - Executive Director, Choose Well